Monday, 27 January 2014

Yoga teacher training India- Unmani state

‘Unmani’ is another state which can be attained as per the guidelines by the wise and enlightened.  This is also a higher state of Raja Yoga in which worldly matters do not affect the aspirant and one becomes free from the prapanchas (sufferings). This can be attained by Vairagy or detachment. Though living in the world but unattached. Not by rejecting or running away from this mundane world.Yoga teacher training India .
Unmani is that state also called Samadhi in the HYP (IV, 39). Unmani is described as follows in the Yoga Kosha, “In this state the Yogi becomes like a dead body. He does not think, does not hear, and does not feel. The Yogi in this state sees nothing and though his gaze is fixed it is a vacant gaze. He ceases to breathe without any effort and, though there is no object of consciousness before him, his mind is fully concentrated and does not waver.”
In the higher state of non-attachment all desire disappear due to the merging into true self.16/chapter 1 (PYS)
The Gheranda Samhita (VII, 17) and the HYP (IV, 3-4) say that unmani is a synonym for Samadhi, raja yoga and sahaja yoga.
The HYP states that no duality is experienced when unmani arises (IV, 61), and the yogi who is in unmani cannot hear the sound of a conch or a drum, and his body becomes like a log of wood (IV, 106).
‘Prapancha’ is one of the beautiful words indicating qualities or sufferings arising because of dualities of the mundane world and our lives. It is comprised of two words; ‘pra’ means expansion, Manifestation or to blossom. ‘Panch’ means five.  The following are a few of the panchas in this world as per yogic understanding:
  1. Panch Mahabhoot (five elements): Earth, Water, Fire, Air and space
  2. Panch Indiriyas (five senses): Ear, Eyes, Nose, Skin and tongue.
  3. Panch Prana (five Prana): Apana, Vyana, Saman, Prana and Udana
  4. Panch doshas (five drawbacks): Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Ahmkar
  5. Panch Bheda (five differences): offeror -offering, jada-jada, offeror-jivam, jada-dravya/agni and Ishwara , jiva-jiva
  6. Panch Kosha (Annmay, Pranamay, Manomay, Vigyanmay and Anandmay)
  7. Panch Karma: (Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana)
Most of these form the basis for the world. Brahmatatva is present in all the five which is eternal and immortal. But when one is cough up in these and identifies the self with them, one suffers. Suffering through these five is termed as ‘Prapancha’. One needs to go beyond these five to attain Manonmani state. Once one goes beyond all five one can be free from resolutions or commitments or goals. These techniques and methods are guided by the wise to attain Manonmani. If we follow their guidelines, we receive the requisite fruits of Manonmani.

Unmany उन्मन्य = excite, beyond
Avastha वस्था = state
ādhigamāya  धिगमाय = study, acquisitons
vidvan विद्वन् = noble, knowledgeable, wise
upāyameka उपायमेकं = one remedy, way out
tava तव = your
nirdiśāma निर्दिशामः = announce, proclaim, prophesy
paśyannu पश्यन्न = see around
udāsīnatayā दासीनतया = dejection, apathy
prapañca प्रपञ्चं = diffusion, diversion, word, fraud
sakalp सङ्कल्प = affirmation
unmūlaya  न्मूलय = eradicate
sāvadhāna सावधानः = caution

yoga teacher training India - Manonmani state

 In ‘Manonmani’ state yogi attains natural capacity to stay in Kevala Kumbhaka. In this second level, Prana starts moving upwards and reaches to Sahastrar Chakra (The Crown Chakra) without efforts. The moment this happens there is a total extinction of ego and thoughts. All that remains is pure consciousness.
Often the mind acts on two choices:
Either it holds something (a thought or focus) or
It is held by something (an objective based chattering).
With step by step practice of yogic activities, one can reach a stage where there will be no outward feelings of senses, breath feels like not breathing a state of total awareness, mind attains total stillness, in In Manonmani state, these identity based thought patterns terminate and the mind becomes pure consciousness.

Yoga teacher training India
We see that a dead person’s eyes will not blink; if eyes are open they remain open. In the case of Manonmani, the stabilization of blinking of the eyes does not mean that a person is dead, but on the contrary yogi becomes one with both matter and consciousness.  Blinking of eyes is sometimes associated with the movements of the mind. Mind’s movements and wandering come to a halt in Manonmani state. Yogi attains oneness experience between visible and invisible energy.  Motions of eyes become awakened and rechak and puraka frees the mind totally from intentions and choices. It becomes a state of choicelessness.  These happenings are indications that the state of Manonmani prevails in life.

Netre नेत्रे = eyes, beautiful eyes
yayonmea ययोन्मेष = swift twinkling or upward motion of eyes
nimea निमेष = shutting the eyes
śūnye शून्ये = blank, zero, emptiness, void
vāyuryayā वायुर्यया = windy, breathing
varjita वर्जित = abandon, not allowed
recapūra रेचपूरः = inhale exhale
manaśca मनश्च = mind’s
sakalpa सङ्कल्प = intention, will personified
vikalpa विकल्प = choice, option
śūnya  शून्यं = nothingness
manonmanī मनोन्मनी = a state, Goddess Durga
सा = and
sannidhattām  सन्निधत्ताम् = receiving, placing

चित्तेन्द्रियाणां चिरनिग्रहेण
श्वासप्रचारे शमिते यमीन्द्राः।
निवातदीपा इव निश्चलाङ्गाः
मनोन्मनीमग्नधियो भवन्ति॥ १८॥
cittendriyāā ciranigrahea śvāsapracāre śamite yamīndrā |
nivātadīpā iva niścalāgā manonmanīmagnadhiyo bhavanti || 18||

मन और इंद्रियों पर  लंबे समय तक अधिकार होने के साथ ही सांस के विस्तार की गतिविधि स्तब्ध हो जाती है और  इन्द्रियाँ नियंत्रित हो जाती हैं, तब संयित शरीर का अंग प्रत्यंग स्थिर दीपक की भांति जगमगाता है और तब मनो अनमनी अवस्था प्राप्त होती है ||18||
When the mind and senses are under prolonged restrain, expansion of breath comes to standstill, senses are controlled, body limbs start illuminating like steady flame of the lamp and then Manonmanee state is achieved. ||18||

How to attain Manonmanee state? This is guided here, step by step.
The five koshas of the body are as follows:
  1. Annmay Kosha (Gross Body) Most external and visible
  2. Pranamay Kosha (Prana Body) second layer within gross body
  3. Manomay Kosha (Mind Body) Mind is a complete invisible body
  4. Vigyanmay Kosha (Special Intellect Body) and
  5. Anandmay Kosha (Bliss Body) beyond sorrow and happiness and innermost body.
Our body is made of countless tiny cells. Each body is in each cell. First we have to purify the external four bodies so that the manonmanee state can be achieved.

Krishna says:
Body is governed by the senses. Mind is stronger than senses. Intellect is the governor of the mind. Soul is the boss of intellect.   - 42/chapter III,Gita
If, we understand the hierarchy of authorities of our system, it becomes easier for us to reach higher stages.
Winning over body, breath and mind are possible through yogic practice of Yam, Niyam, Asana and Pranayam, one can attain the first stage guided by Adi Shankaracharya. Thereafter we also have to win over the most critical level of our body: the senses. So we have Pratyahar. Pratyahar is not withdrawal of senses, but this withdrawal from the senses.  More critical is withdrawal from the movements of the mind and focus. This will attain through dharna. Once dharna happens all thoughts comes to stillness. 
such situation each and every body limb start illuminating, shining and radiating. When such state comes it is called Manonmani. This is a great state for yogis.